Sunday, October 10, 2010


Wallrides have always been one of my favorite tricks.  I have seen this wallride many times before but it always had a big dumpster in front of it, recently the dumpster was removed.  I rolled out early in the morning with a bunch of 5 gallon jugs of water and smoothed a runway.  I rolled back later that day and busted this solo video footage. 5/23/10

Here's Lucas hitting it.  I went back after this session and the lip was wrecked

Hit up this wallride today, 11/7/10 with Tommy and Toad.

Toad bailed out and got gashed!

This was the closest I could come to tabling out of it.

Tommy and I sessioned this new wallride thanks to some recent freeway construction. 6/30/10

Some old pics from Price Wall.

Tommy's curved wallride that was in Ride Magazine.

Tommy, San Fran.

Lance, random wall.

1 comment:

  1. Man, you guys really ride with your hands close in on the bars, almost where the curve on the bars is. Is that for better control?
